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- Davidson, Jo 52
- United States. Army 47
- United States. Navy 20
- Roman Bronze Works, Inc. 17
- Houdon, Jean-Antoine 11
- Oliphant, Patrick Bruce 9
- C. Valsuani 7
- Franklin, Benjamin 7
- Schroeder, Janet Gregg 7
- Escobar, Marisol 6
- Grausman, Philip 6
- Hanbury, Una 6
- Saint-Gaudens, Augustus 6
- Washington, George 6
- Brown, Henry Kirke 5
- Lincoln, Abraham 5
- Scott, Winfield 5
- Valentine, Edward Virginius 5
- Volk, Leonard Wells 5
- Ward, John Quincy Adams 5
- Baker, Bryant 4
- Berks, Robert 4
- Dykaar, Moses Wainer 4
- Eisenhower, Dwight David 4
- Epstein, Jacob 4
- Hancock, Walker Kirtland 4
- Hoheb, Arthur Bruce 4
- Hughes, Robert Ball 4
- Nixon, Richard Milhous 4
- Platt, Eleanor 4
- Sherbell, Rhoda 4
- Wilson, Woodrow 4
- Ball, Thomas 3
- Buba, Joy 3
- Carter, James Earl 3
- Clay, Henry 3
- Darrow, Clarence Seward 3
- Ford, Henry 3
- French, Daniel Chester 3
- Giusti, George 3
- Glaubach, Stanley 3
- Henry Bonnard Bronze Co. 3
- King, Martin Luther 3
- Lovet-Lorski, Boris 3
- Mills, Clark 3
- Modern Art Foundry 3
- Nakian, Reuben 3
- Ripley, S. Dillon 3
- Robeson, Paul 3
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 3
- Date
Gallery Location
- National Portrait Gallery Collection 402
- Currently not on view 361
- Out of Many: Portraits from 1600 to 1900 13
- NPG Mezzanine: 20th and 21st Century Americans 11
- America's Presidents (Reinstallation September 2017) 8
- NPG, South Gallery 321 Mezzanine 4
- NPG, South Gallery 322 Mezzanine 4
- 20th Century Americans: 1960-2000 3
- NPG, North Gallery 140 3
- NPG, South Gallery 240 3
- NPG, South Gallery 342 3
- NPG, West Gallery 240 3
- Recent Acquisitions 2023 3
- NPG, East Gallery 131 2
- NPG, East Gallery 132 2
- NPG, West Gallery 210 2
- 20th Century Americans: 1900-1930 (re-installation 2012) 1
- 20th Century Americans: 1930-1960 1
- NPG, East Gallery 111 1
- NPG, East Gallery 112 1
- NPG, East Gallery 122 1
- NPG, East Gallery 124 1
- NPG, East Gallery 133 1
- NPG, East Gallery 135 1
- NPG, East Gallery 136 1
- NPG, East Gallery 141 1
- NPG, East Gallery 142 1
- NPG, South Gallery 310 Mezzanine 1
- NPG, South Gallery 321 1
- NPG, South Gallery 322 1
- NPG, South Gallery 341 Mezzanine 1
- NPG, South Gallery 342 Mezzanine 1
- NPG, West Gallery 220 1
- The Struggle for Justice Refresh 1 See All