The advertisements William Bache placed in regional newspapers as he traveled from town to town provide important information about his artistic practice.

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William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Telegraph and Daily Advertiser

(Baltimore, MD)

August 18, 22, 1803



 INTENDING to remain a short time in this city, with their Patent PHISIOGNOTRACE, upon a construction entirely new, respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen, that they have commenced taking likenesses in profile, at the house of Mr. Sower, printer, No. 191, Market-street, opposite the Golden Swan, where any person honoring them with their attention, may have four correct profiles for 25 cents, without being incommoded by any part of the machine passing over the face.
    To accommodate those who have their profiles taken, they have an assortment of elegant gilt and black frames.
    August 16.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Federal Gazette & Baltimore Daily Advertiser
(Baltimore, MD)
September 6, 1803



    Messrs. BACHE & TODD return to their grateful acknowledgements to the ladies and gentlemen of Baltimore, for the liberal encouragement they have received; and beg leave to inform those who may yet wish to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining correct likenesses in profile, that they intend leaving this city at the end of the present week.
    N.B. Mr. Todd will attend for a few days at Fell’s-Point, Bond-street, No. 70, with a physiognotrace.
     September 6.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Petersburg Republican (Petersburg, VA)
November 11, 1803


Profile Likenesses.

Respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Petersburg and its vicinity, that he will continue a short time in this town with his

Patent Physiognotrace,

    He resides at Powell’s tavern, formerly Armistead’s, where those who honor him with their attention, may have four correct Likenesses in Profile, for 25 Cents.
    N.B. He has an elegant assortment of gilt and black frames with glasses suitable for the profiles.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser
(Richmond, VA)
January 28, 1804
The Virginia Argus (Richmond, VA)
January 28, 1804


Profile Frames.

    RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that he has returned to this city with his Patent Phisiognotrace, and a supply of handsome Frames. His room is over Mrs. Smith’s millinery room, opposite the Union Tavern, where he solicits the attendance of those who wish to have striking and correct likenesses in profile—Four for 25 cents.
    January 28.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Virginia Argus (Richmond, VA)
March 14, 1804


The last week the Physiognotrace will remain in Richmond.


    RETURNS his grateful acknowledgments to the public, for the encouragement he has received in this place, and has the pleasure to inform them that he has just received a handsome assortment of GILT and BLACK FRAMES—with which they may be supplied during the remainder of this week, either with or without profiles, as may be most suitable to themselves.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Virginia Herald (Fredericksburg, VA)
May 28, 1804




Having returned to this place, again solicits the public patronage in his professional line. From the greater experience he has now had in his business he flatters himself his likenesses will be found to possess to a superior degree of excellence, to an taken here before, as to ensure the approbation of those Ladies and Gentlemen who may honor him with their attention.
     Four striking Likenesses in PROFILE for 25 cents. Application to be made at Mr. Ridley’s, on the hill back of the Market-
House.     Fred’g, May 28, 1804

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Virginia Herald (Fredericksburg, VA)

June 12, 1804

August 18, 22, 1803


Profile Likenesses.


Takes the Liberty of informing those who yet wish to have Profile Like-nesses, that he intends leaving this place on Wednesday next, ‘till when he may be found as usual at his room, at Mr. Ridley’s, on the hill back of the Market-House. Four Likenesses for 25 Cents.

                                                                             June 11, 1804

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Telegraph and Daily Advertiser
(Baltimore, MD)
July 4, 7, 10, 1804


“ Parents—Relations—Friends!"

“THE Facietrace which I employ," says Mr. Peale, "is the invention of the ingenious Hawkins, of Philadelphia. The success of this was the occasion of several others to adopt as much of the principle as they could, in evading the patent right, yet in fact they were obliged to omit the principal part, and upon which the whole merit of the invention rests." This last assertion entirely exonerates and acquits "several others" of having infringed Mr. Hawkins's patent; for they have omitted that part "upon which the whole merit of the invention rests." It is therefore unnecessary to mention, that the pentagraph, the principal mathematical instrument used by Mr. Hawkins and "others," was invented probably a century before the birth of Mr. Hawkins: That the said pentagraph has for many years been employed in different ways, for taking profile likenesses in Europe and America; one method, with a description and plate, may be seen in the Ladies' Museum, vol. 3d, published in London in the year 1799: That there are several profiles in the United States, nay, in the city of Baltimore, taken in Europe by some of those methods.
    Mr. Hawkins applied the pentagraph in a manner different from any before him, viz. by passing a part of it over, and in contact with the face. Myself and "several others“ conceived this method very objectionable; first, on account of the indelicacy of passing part of the instrument between the lips of a delicate lady, after its having passed in contact with the hair and nose, and between the lips of thousands probably some of them, and possibly the very last, infected with a communicable disease; and secondly, the derangement of the features, occasioned by the touch of the instrument passing over the face— We, therefore, devised a method, for which we have a patent, at least free from those objections, by which we can trace the human face with "mathematical correctness" without touching it.

    I TODD, in behalf of Day, Bache and Todd, the patentees. Although I have never taken the 80th part of 345,000 profiles of different people; yet it requires no extraordinary degree of vanity to submit the comparative correctness, neatness and elegance of the profiles I have now (and I have many) or may hereafter have in my possession, to the decision of those who may, with or without prejudice, visit my room over the post office.
July 4IT

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Louisiana Gazette (New Orleans, LA)

November 16, 1804

August 18, 22, 1803


PHYSIOGNOTRACE, FOR TAKING Profile Likenesses. Bache & Todd, The Patentees,

    JUST arrived form the United States, where they have been liberally encouraged, cut and framed many thousands profiles; among which were the President and many other principal characters: respectfully solicit the patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen of New-Orleans and its vicinity; they with confidence, assure those who may honor them with their attention, that they shall have Four correct likenesses, neatly cut in Vellum paper for one dollar. For the accommodation of company, they have taken a spacious upper room in Royal-street, one door from the corner of Saint Anne-street, opposite Mr. Ursin Durel’s, where they have elegant profile frames from Fifty cents to Three dollars each, gilt and black. They have likewise an assortment of neatly finished—

Looking Glasses
White Demity
Parasoles ebony tops silver mounted
Billiard balls
Portable writing desks
A copying press
A pair of beautiful prints framed.

A Store to Let.

November 16th

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Louisiana Gazette,(New Orleans, LA)

November 16, 1804



Pour pendre le Profil des Portraits.


  Brevetés, arrivant des Etats-Unis, où ils ont eu les plus grands succès, ayant fait et encadrés plusieurs Profils, parmi lesquels sont le President et plusieurs autres grands personnages, ont l’honneur offrir leurs services aux Messieurs et Dames de la Nouvelle Orléans, et de ses environs. C’est avec confiance qu’ils assurent les personnes qui voudront bien les honorer de leur visite qu’elles auront quatre portraits parfaitement ressemblans, et bien peints sur papier velin, pour une piastre.
    Pour la commoditée des Sociétés, ils ont pris une grande Salle, située rue Royal, la porte après le coin de la rue Ste.-Anne, vis-à-vis chez M. Ursin Durel, où ils ont des cadres à Tableaux, tant dorés qu’en noir, pour les profils, depuis une demi piastre jusqu’à trois.

Ils ont aussi un bel Assortiment de
Trumeaux, Miroirs,
Basin blanc,
Parasols à manche d’èbéne, montés en
Bureaux portatifs,
Une Presse à Copier &
Deux belles Estampes encadrées

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Democrat (Boston, MA)

July 16, 23, 1808


Profile Likenesses,

Correctly Drawn and elegantly finished by

Bache’s Patent Physiognotrace,

Opposite the COURT HOUSE,

    W. BACHE respectfully solicits the public encouragement, which, from the superiority of his Physiognotrace and long practice in the Art of Drawing Profiles, he flatters himself he will be found to merit.
    Those who may wish to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining striking Likenesses, but to whom it may be inconvenient to attend at the Profile Room, are informed that he will at the shortest notice, wait upon them at their own Dwellings without any additional expense.
    W. Bache not intending to stay in Boston more than one month, hopes the Public will loose no time in honouring him with their commands.
    Four Likenesses for 25 Cents. –An eleegant variety of Frames, at various Prices.
  July 16.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Essex Register (Salem, MA)

September 14, 21, 23, 24, 27, 1808

Salem Gazette (Salem, MA)

September 16, 23, 1808



RETURNS his grateful acknowledgements to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Salem for the liberal encouragement he has received, & begs leave to inform those who yet intend having PROFILES drawn, that he proposes leaving this place the ensuing week. Sept. 14

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Connecticut Herald (New Haven, CT)

October 17; November 7, 1809

Connecticut Journal (New Haven, CT)

October 19, 1809


Profile Cutting, Painting and Shading.

THE subscribers respectively inform the ladies and gentlemen of New Haven, that they have taken a room for a short time at Mr. JARMAN’s, South East corner of the Green, for the purpose of doing business in the above line. From their long experience, and great success, the subscribers feel confident of rendering general satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage.

                                                                         W. BACHE
                                                                         T. NIXON

N.B. Specimens of their performance may be seen at the Profile Room.
  October 17.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Connecticut Journal (New Haven, CT)

October 24, 1809



THE subscribers respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of New Haven, that they have taken a room for a short time at Mr. ELD’s near the Church, in Church-Street; where they propose cutting, shading and painting PROFILE LIKENESSES in a new and elegant style. From their long experience, and great success in business, and aided by an improved patent Physiognotrace, the subscribers feel confident in rendering general satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage.

      W. BACHE,
      T. NIXON.

October 24.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Connecticut Mirror (Hartford, CT)

November 20, 27, 1809



The subscribers respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Hartford, that they have taken a room next door to Perkins & Seymour’s store, a few rods south of the new brick meeting-house, main-street, where they propose to cut, shade and paint PROFILE LIKENESSES, in a new and elegant style, far superior to any thing of the kind ever executed in this place—Prices from 25 cents to 3 dollars. From their long experience, and being aided by an improved patent Physiognotrace, the subscribers feel confident of rendering satisfaction, to all who may favour them with their patronage. Ladies who desire it, may be attended at their respective houses. Persons wishing to have their Likenesses taken, are respectfully requested to make early application, as the subscribers will make but a short stay in Hartford
  N.B. Likenesses warranted.
  An elegant variety of Profile Frames.
                    W. BACHE,
                    T. NIXON

  November 18.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

American Mercury (New Haven, CT)

November 30, 1809



The subscribers respectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Hartford, that they have taken a room next door to PERKINS & SEYMOUR’S store, a few rods south of the new brick meeting-house, main-street, where they propose to cut, shade and paint PRO-FILE LIKENESSES, in a new and elegant style, far superior to any thing of the kind ever executed in this place—Prices from 25 cents to 3 dollars. From their long experience, and being aided by an improved patent Physiognotrace, the subscribers feel confident of rendering satisfaction, to all who may favor them with their patronage. Ladies who desire it, may be attended at their respective houses. Persons wishing to have their Likenesses taken, are respectfully requested to make early application, as the subscribers will make but a short stay in Hartford
   N.B. Likenesses warranted.
   An elegant variety of Profile Frames.
                        W. BACHE,
   Nov. 30.      T.NIXON

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Rhode-Island American, and General

Advertiser (Providence, RI)

December 22, 26, 29, 1809;

January 2, 5, 1810


STRIKING and cheap LIKENESSES, by W. BACHE, and T. NIXON; who engage to furnish any person that will favour them with half an hour’s sitting, an elegant painting and speaking Likeness for the small sum of Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents.– Also, Profiles in a new and superiour style, elegantly shaded, for Fifty Cents.
   The publick are assured that this is something entirely different from any thing heretofore attempted in this place. It is therefore hoped they will not deem it beneath their attention, but call and see specimens of the work, at Major McCLELLAN’S, next-door to Col. Macomber’s Tavern, near the Bridge, Main-Street.
   December 22, 1809.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Rhode-Island American, and General

Advertiser (Providence, RI)

January 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 1810



GRATEFULLY acknowledge the numerous favours they have received in this town, and beg leave to inform the publick that they stay here will be but a short time longer.
   W. BACHE informs those who wish to have shaded profiles, that he intends staying but two weeks longer in Providence.
   Their Painting and Profile-Room is at Major McCLELLAN’s.
               January 12, 1810.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Rhode-Island American, and General

Advertiser (Providence, RI)

February 23, 27; March 2, 1810



RETURN their grateful acknowledgements for the liberal encouragement they have experienced in this town, and flatter themselves with the hope that their Profile Likenesses have given general satisfaction. Having been requested to give timely notice of their departure from Providence, they beg leave to inform those who yet intend sitting for Likenesses that they do not purpose staying longer than during the approaching session of the Legislature. Their prices are as formerly,
   25 Cents for cutting the set of Profiles;
   25 Cents for shading each; or
   2 Dollars in Colours.
   Their Room is at Major McCLELLAN’s,
opposite the Market-House.
   February 23, 1810

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Newport Mercury (Newport, RI)

April 28; May 5, 1810


Striking Likensses
W. Bache & T. Nixon,

HAVE the honor to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newport, of their arrival in Town, and respectfully offer their services in the line of their profession— They engage to give a speaking likeness and handsome painting to any person that will favour them with an half-hours’ sitting, for the small sum of Two Dollars.— They also cut profiles and execute likenesses in a new and handsome style of black on a fine vellum paper, for fifty cents.
   Having painted during the winter in Providence and Bristol, with great success, they flatter themselves they are already known as artists in Newport, and deem it unnecessary to say that they can warrant to give universal satisfaction to those who may favour them with their patronage. As their stay in town will be short, persons wishing to employ them are invited to call soon at Mrs. COTTRELL’s, No. 128, Thames-Street.
   Newport, April 27, 1810

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

The Rhode Island Republican (Newport, RI)

May 16, 23, 1810


Miniature Painting,

MESSRS. T. Nixon & W. Bache,
Painters and Profileists, at Mrs. Cottrell’s, No. 128, Thames street, return their grateful thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newport, for the liberal patronage they have already experienced; which together with a view to the accommodation of those who have been prevented by engagements or indisposition from sitting for their Likenesses, induces them to prolong their stay in town for two or three weeks.
   By unexampled and highly flattering success that had attended them, they are emboldened to say that their performances, both in point of likeness and elegance of extinction, surpasses any thing of the kind that has hitherto been attempted in Rhode-Island,—and respectfully invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newport, to avail themselves of the opportunity now offered, to get a speaking Likenes-ses for the small sum of two dollars, in colours, twenty-five cents shaded, or twenty-five cent a set cut in paper.May 16.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

New-Bedford Mercury (New Bedford, MA)

June 15, 22, 1810


Miniature Painting

T. NIXON & W. BACHE, Painters and Profilists, respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of New-Bedford, that they have taken the old Hall, entrance at the east door, at Nelson’s Hotel, where they offer their services, for a short time, in the line of their profession.—They engage to give a speaking Likeness, in Miniature style, for the small sum of two dollars and twenty-five cents, and require but half an hour’s sitting. They also cut Profiles, and shade them in a new and elegant style, on a fine vellum paper, for fifty cents.
   T.N. & W.B. bind themselves to give good Likenesses to all who may favour them with their patronage.—Ladies, objecting to call at the Room, may be waited on at their houses.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Essex Register (Salem MA)

July 10, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28; August 1, 4, 1810

Salem Gazette (Salem MA)

July 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 1810


Profile Likenesses.

WM. BACHE has the honor to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Salem of his return to town, and respectfully offers to them his services in the line of his profession, at his room over Dr. Daniel Jenks’s store. He invites their attention to a much improved style of


on fine vellum paper; and begs leave to introduce his friend Mr. NIXON, who colours profiles in miniature style, and warrants as good a likeness for two dollars as can be obtained for twenty.
    Salem, July 10.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Essex Register (Salem MA)

August 11, 15, 18, 25, 29, 1810

Salem Gazette (Salem MA)

August 15, 29, 1810


Profile Notice.

W. BACHE respectfully informs the public that he intends leaving Salem, at the close of the ensuing week, and particularly requests those to make immediate application for their PROFILES, who intend having them painted by Mr. NIXON, who will remain for a short time longer in town for that purpose.
    The Profile and Painting Room is over the store of Mr Daniel Jenks.
    aug. 11

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Newburyport Herald (Newburyport, MA)

October 26; November 2, 6, 9, 16, 1810


Painted Profiles.

W. BACHE returns his grateful acknowledgements for the liberal encouragement he has received in the place, and has the pleasure to inform those who wish to have their Profiles painted, agreeable to the specimens that have been exhibited at the Profile Room, that Mr. NIXON has arrived in town, and offers to ensure to those who may employ him, an elegant and striking Likeness in miniature style for the small sum of Two Dollars.
    W. BACHE, begs leave to inform the public, that his stay in town in intended only two weeks longer.                 Newburyport, Oct. 26.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Newburyport Herald (Newburyport, MA)

December 4, 7, 14, 21, 1810



MR. NIXON —Profile Painter,

RETURNS his grateful thanks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Newburyport for the liberal patronage he has experienced at their hands, and solicits a continuance of it for the short time he purposes remaining in town.
    Mr. N. respectfully requests those who wish to have their Likenesses Painted by him, to avail themselves of an early opportunity to sit to him, as he intends leaving town in the course of two or three weeks—as Mr. BACHE, who cuts Profiles, will leave this place in two or three days, they will perceive the expediency of coming forward immediately to get their Profiles CUT; as it greatly facilitates the Painting, and saves expense—they can afterwards be Painted at leisure.—Price as usual—Two Dollars for Painting a Likeness, at the Room over Mr. DUDLEY PORTER’s Store, Cornhill. Nov. 29.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Portsmouth Oracle,(Portsmouth, NH)

January 12, 19, 26; February 2, 9, 1811



THE attention of the Public is respectfully requested to a new and elegant style of finishing profile likenesses by
    Messrs. W. Bache and T. Nixon, Physiognotrists and Painters, who flatter themselves (from the great encouragement they have received at Newburyport and the adjacent towns) that as artists, they are not wholly unknown to the inhabitants of Portsmouth, and feeling confident their work will be found to merit public patronage they respectfully solicit it, at their Painting and Profile Room, over Mr. NATHANIEL DEANS Store, No. 4, Market street.
    Price for cutting a set of Profiles 25 cents.
    Shading in black additional 25 cts. each, or painting in colors in miniature style, 2 dollars.January 12

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Weekly Eastern Argus (Portland, ME)

February 21, 1811


W. BACHE, Profileist,

RESPECTFULLY solicits the attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen of Portland to a new and elegant manner of executing Profile Likenesses shaded in the natural dress. W.B. having devoted the last 7 years to delineating the human countenance and having invented a Machine upon principles less liable to error than those commonly used for drawing Profiles, he flatters himself able to give general satisfaction to those who may honor him with their attendance at his Profile Room over the store of Mr. Storer in Middle-Street.
N.B. His stay in Portland will be for a short time only.Feb. 21

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Weekly Eastern Argus (Portland, ME)

March 21, 28; April 4, 11, 25


W. BACHE, Profilist,

HAS removed from the Room he formerly occupied at the store of Mr. S. Storer, to the front chamber, over the Store of Mr. John Dean, in Hay-market Row.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

Weekly Eastern Argus (Portland, ME)

May 2, 9, 16; June 6, 1811



RESPECTFULLTY informs those who have politely deferred sitting for their Profiles during his great press of Business, that he has now leisure to pay particular attention to them and that he intends stay-ing in Portland, But about two weeks longer.                                                           May 2.

William Bache newspaper advertisement clipping

United States Gazette (Philadelphia, PA)

January 24, 30; February 4, 7, 11, 18, 20, 24, 25, 28;

March 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,

23, 24, 1812



THAT he executes PROFILE LIKENESSES; shaded in a manner entirely new, which for correctness of delineation and elegrance of workmanship, he flatters himself have not been equaled in Philadelphia; specimens of which may be seen in the windows of most of the Print stores in town, and at the Profile Room, No. 133 south Second street.
   W. Bache also reduces large profiles to miniture and shades of Old Profiles to look entirely New.
   N.B. A variety of Elegant Profile Frames, and largest size best Gold Leaf for sale.
   Jan. 24.

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