Every time a president leaves office they're asked to do something that might not come naturally-- sit still, be quiet and surrender to someone else's work. In other words, they have their portrait painted.
The National Portrait Gallery and the White House Historical Association both commission portraits of the outgoing president and first lady. Several of the paintings have become iconic images, stamped on history. Others have been known to stop viewers in their tracks. Some have been unloved.
In this episode Kim and WHHA president Stewart McLaurin compare notes on some of the most storied paintings of first couples in their care.
See the portraits we discussed:
George Washington (Lansdowne portrait), by Gilbert Stuart
John F. Kennedy, by Aaron Shikler
Lyndon B. Johnson, by Peter Hurd
Lyndon B. Johnson, by Elizabeth Shoumatoff
Michelle Obama, by Sharon Sprung
Michelle Obama, by Amy Sherald