Perspectives: Online Audio Tour

This audio tour features portraits of significant figures in literature, politics, philosophy, and culture who have contributed to The Atlantic during its long history. Each portrait is accompanied by the voiced commentary of a contemporary Atlantic writer reflecting on the life and legacy of a historical influencer (such as Louisa May Alcott, Frederick Douglass, and Booker T. Washington) or a more recent figure (such as Martin Luther King, Jr. or John Lewis). Through portraiture, biography, and interpretation, the virtual tour highlights individuals who have helped shape the trajectory from abolition to the civil rights era and contemporary social justice movements.

bust length view of a man with wire-rimmed glasses


Written and narrated by Jeffrey Goldberg


head view of a man with a gray beard

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Written and narrated by Jeffrey Goldberg


bronze bust of an older man

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Written and narrated by Vann R. Newkirk II


bust view of a man with a black mustache

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Written and narrated by Ann Hulbert


3/4 view of a woman in a black dress

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Written and narrated by Drew Gilpin Faust


knee length view of a woman in green and black

Julia Ward Howe

Written and narrated by Anna Deavere Smith


knee length view of a woman in green and black

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Written and narrated by Anna Deavere Smith


Bust length portrait of a young Black man in a black suit

Frederick Douglass

Written and narrated by George Packer


bas relief of a man and woman reading

William Dean Howells

Written and narrated by James Fallows


Bronze bust sculpture of a 19th century woman

Louisa May Alcott

Written and narrated by Adrienne LaFrance


full length portrait of a man with white hair and a large moustache

Mark Twain

Written and narrated by James Parker


bust length bronze portrait of a Black man

Booker T. Washington

Written and narrated by Adam Harris


full length portrait of a man with white hair

Rabindranath Tagore

Written and narrated by Emma Green


profile photo of a Black man

W. E. B. Du Bois

Written and narrated by Adam Serwer


portrait of a man in a brown suit

Harry S. Truman

Written and narrated by Yoni Appelbaum


photo of several people protesting

Asa Philip Randolph

Written and narrated by Caitlin Dickerson


photo of a man speaking at a rally

Bayard Rustin

Written and narrated by John McWhorter


knee-length portrait of a seated man with gray hair

Carl Sandburg

Written and narrated by Anne Applebaum


3/4 length painting of al older woman seated in a chair

Eudora Welty

Written and narrated by Caitlin Flanagan 


portrait of a Black man in a tweed jacket

Richard Wright

Written and narrated by Gillian B. White


bust sculpture of a Black man

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Written and narrated by Peter Wehner


abstract portrait of a Black man

Stokely Carmichael

Written and narrated by Clint Smith


full length portrait of a Black man in a dark suit

Congressman John Lewis

Written and narrated by Ibram X. Kendi


Close-up photo of a young Black man

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Written and narrated by Scott Stossel