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- United States. Army 5
- United States. Navy 5
- Eisenhower, Dwight David 4
- Reyneau, Betsy Graves 4
- Koerner, Henry 3
- Rand, Ellen Gertrude Emmet 3
- Stuart, Gilbert 3
- Tack, Augustus Vincent 3
- Waring, Laura Wheeler 3
- Bouche, Rene Robert 2
- Carter, James Earl 2
- Chandor, Douglas Granville 2
- Cooper, James Fenimore 2
- Einstein, Albert 2
- Greenberg, Clement 2
- Huntington, Daniel 2
- Irving, Washington 2
- James, Henry 2
- MacDonald-Wright, Stanton 2
- Schussele, Christian 2
- Vidal, Gore 2
- Wight, Frederick S. 2
- Wilson, Woodrow 2
- Abrams, Herbert E. 1
- Albee, Edward 1
- Arliss, George 1
- Ashe, Arthur Robert 1
- Bacon, Peggy 1
- Baldwin, Loammi 1
- Bancroft, George 1
- Barre, Raymond 1
- Baruch, Bernard Mannes 1
- Beal, Jack 1
- Beaux, Cecilia 1
- Becker, George Ferdinand 1
- Beerbohm, Marvin 1
- Bellow, Saul 1
- Bernays, Edward L. 1
- Berrigan, Ted 1
- Berryman, Katherine Durfee 1
- Bigelow, Erastus Brigham 1
- Blanchard, Thomas 1
- Bliss, Tasker Howard 1
- Bodenheim, Maxwell 1
- Bogardus, James 1
- Brady, Mathew B. 1
- Brandeis, Louis Dembitz 1
- Brezhnev, Leonid Ilyich 1
- Briel, Louis 1
- Brook, Alexander 1
- Date
- Classification
Gallery Location
- National Portrait Gallery Collection 111
- Currently not on view 92
- Out of Many: Portraits from 1600 to 1900 9
- 20th Century Americans: 1900-1930 (re-installation 2012) 3
- NPG Mezzanine: 20th and 21st Century Americans 3
- NPG, South Gallery 322 3
- 20th Century Americans: 1930-1960 2
- America's Presidents (Reinstallation September 2017) 2
- NPG, East Gallery 140 2
- NPG, South Gallery 321 2
- NPG, West Gallery 210 2
- NPG, East Gallery 110a 1
- NPG, East Gallery 112 1
- NPG, East Gallery 120 1
- NPG, East Gallery 124 1
- NPG, East Gallery 131 1
- NPG, East Gallery 136 1
- NPG, East Gallery 141 1
- NPG, South Gallery 321 Mezzanine 1
- NPG, South Gallery 322 Mezzanine 1
- NPG, South Gallery 342 Mezzanine 1 See All