Pop Quiz: Time Covers the 1960s

Painting of Neil Armstrong in his astronaut uniform, on the moon, holding a USA flag and camera.
Neil Alden Armstrong, / Louis Glanzman / Acrylic and casein on Masonite, 1969 / National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of Time magazine / © Louis Glanzman

From John F. Kennedy to Julie Andrews, the 1960s were packed with iconic individuals and events that helped to define the decade. This month’s Pop Quiz trivia night focuses on the National Portrait Gallery’s exhibition “Time Covers the 1960s,” which features original cover art that the magazine published during the “Age of Aquarius.” Many of the questions are taken directly off the wall labels, so make sure to see the exhibition on the second floor to get the advantage!

Pop Quiz takes place once a month in the Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard. This month’s trivia night is scheduled for January 14 and starts at 6:30 p.m. It can be played individually or in teams of up to six people. The team with the highest score will take home fun prizes and bragging rights. The Courtyard Café will be open during the quiz for participants to buy snacks and drinks.

Check out this month’s bonus question, worth ten points!

On July 20, 1969, this Apollo mission was the first manned spaceflight that resulted in a lunar landing. Neil Armstrong, commander of the mission, was the first human to walk on the moon. During his walk he famously stated: “That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”

On which Apollo mission did this take place?
A. Apollo 13
B. Apollo 11
C. Apollo 8
D. Apollo 10
